Grab your Ball Tickets now!
Don't miss out!
When: February 7th, 2025
Time: 6pm EST
Where: Hampton Inn, Colchester
Cost: $100 per ball
(1 ball includes dinner for two)
$40 Ball Insurance
Note: Insurance option at the very bottom, please scroll
Never heard of a Calcutta? ... If you are new to Vermont or haven't lived here long, you may have never heard of a CALCUTTA..... But a CALCUTTA is a fundraiser to its core. At our SFX Calcutta, with the purchase of your Calcutta Ball, you receive dinner for 2, a ball number, and a chance to win the jackpot! The ball numbers number 1-100. During the event, one ball is pulled out of the mix every few minutes (similar to a bingo machine). When your ball is pulled out, YOU'RE OUT! purchased insurance. Ball insurance gets your ball thrown back in the mix for another chance at the jackpot! When the last 10 balls remain in the game, the owners of the 10 balls are asked if they want to split the prize money (all have to agree) or keep playing until the final ball is pulled. The final ball wins the JACKPOT! In addition to the big game of the Calcutta, there is a Silent Auction, Live Auction, Wine Pull, Grub Grab and a whole lot of fun!